To help you prepare for your first visit with our team, please review the information below.
- your personal healthcare card
- all your medications, so that the doctor may review them with you
- the names and telephone numbers (work and home) of two personal contact people
- your health history and any allergies that you may have
- any x-rays that you may have been given
- any questions you may have (we suggest writing these down)
- a friend or family member
Our oncology team request that you complete the intake form 2 days prior to your appointment.
We ask that you plan being in the cancer centre for 2 – 3 hours.
You may find it helpful to bring someone with you for company and support as this first visit can be overwhelming. Having a family member or close friend accompanying you at your appointment could help you to gather all of the new information.
If you require an interpreter at an appointment, let our admitting team know and they will make arrangements, if possible, for a professional interpreter.